Hi, I’m Jenn, the owner and CEO of JN Fitness + Nutrition.

I started my business in the summer of 2020 after completing my Nutrition Certification. From there, I graduated college in May of 2021 with a degree in Health Science with a focus in Nutrition.

What I thought was going to be a little side business has turned into something so much bigger than I could have ever imagined.

I help people lose weight, build muscle, eat healthier, feel better and build confidence using a sustainable approach. While working together, you will see improvement with:

Increased Energy

Better Sleep

Increased Mood

Improved Gut Health

Reduced Blood Pressure

Regulation of Blood Sugar Levels

Boost in Confidence

Improved Menopausal Symptoms

Improved Menstrual Symptoms

I strongly believe that nutrition is not a one size fits all. Every single client is different, which is why I treat every client as so. Clients that works with me get their own plan that is customized to the individual, based off their goals, dietary needs, and lifestyle. While helping clients work towards their goals, I also help clients prioritize and manage important markers such as sleep, stress, digestion, recovery, water intake, and movement.

While my main goal is to help clients reach their goals, I also find it is important to educate along the way. With the end goal being that my clients eventually feel confident and comfortable enough to be able to go out on their own and know that they will still be successful.

Since opening in 2020, I have become well-versed with a lot of health issues. I have worked with clients that have:




Insulin Resistance


Crohn’s Disease

Thyroid Issues


Low-Testosterone Levels

Infertility Issues

Hypo/Hyperglycemia (Diabetes)

Food Intolerances

Digestion Issues



Fatty Liver/Liver Disease

If you are needing some guidance with your health and wellness journey, reach out, I would love to help you reach your goals!